Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Recycling envelopes

My friend is going on an adventure to Nepal in October. She's going hiking so she can't bring a huge amount of luggage. But you always need something to write on and store your souvenirs in! I found the perfect gift. This handmade pocketbook made out of washipaper and - once send - envelopes by EnvelopeBook. We put a Saint Christopher pendant in who will keep her safe during her journey and the garland I made during last weeks Sewing Bee. It resembles a prayer flag, often found strung along mountain ridges and peaks in the Himalayas.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sewing bee

Last Saturday one of my best friends celebrated her birthday with a sewing bee. Seven women, lots of felt and ribbons in different colors, cake and presents were the recipe of a great afternoon. The idea was to make a garland. It was fun to see that everybody added their personal touch and came up with a different design. The fact that I had already made two crochet flower garlands (see first picture) to go with my presents was a complete coincidence. I can't read crochet patterns, but you can find numerous tutorials on YouTube.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

On the wall

                             A tea box + a city in a bag by Muji + an enlarged photo = a wall decoration!

We try to go on a citytrip every year and if there's a Muji store there we always buy their city in a bag. So as you can see we did this in Berlin (photo of the Berlin Wall), New York and London. I used the back part of a cheap tea box, which I painted white, as a frame.